The year was 1986 and terrorism was at its peak in Punjab. This forced the young 26 year old Naresh Chopra to leave his village Jandiala Guru (Near Amritsar in Punjab) and migrate to Jaipur with his aged parents, young wife and 3 year old son. In the process he had to let go of his family business of cotton and edible oil into which he had put his blood and sweat since the age of 16. With nothing but hope and self-belief he plunged into this unchartered territory. He dared to sell packaged Atta in an era where everyone preferred having their own ground Atta from the local chakki. Fighting this mindset was the most formidable enemy. But through sheer hard work and self-belief Mr Naresh Chopra created Laxmi Bhog brand that is a name to reckon with in the field of retail food market of Rajasthan.
Its truly been a long journey for him from 1986 till now, a journey punctuated with success. However the journey still remains a journey as he is not the one to hang up his boots easily and lives by the philosophy penned down by Frost “.., and miles to go before I sleep”
This success story has been ably carried forward by the two sons of Mr Naresh Chopra. The elder son Nipun Chopra an MBA in marketing joined the company in 2007. He infused fresh perspective into the financial and marketing aspect of the company skyrocketing them to new heights despite the hurdles of ever changing policies of new India Inc.Under his dynamic work culture the company turnover increased multifold in the next few years. The rocksolid foundation thus got infused with this surge of new blood in a perfect blend.
Carrying all this further the younger son Mr Sagun Chopra joined the company in 2012 after gaining first hand market experience independently. He now heads the production, operations, and quality control. Under his management and leadership the company successfully launched three new quality products – Suji, Dalia, Maida and which gained unprecedented success in a short span of time.